Filter Local Media by Categories
The Local Media section shows content that is divided into 8 categories:
- Tourism & Entertainment
- Shopping and Food/Drink
- Social Media
- Professional Sports
- Universities & Trade Schools
- Amateur Sports
- TV, Radio, News, & Government
- K-12 School & Children
The RED TEXT categories are the DEFAULT categories. Each of these can be turned ON/OFF, on the settings page. The Local Media page has a button that opens the settings page.
After changing the filter settings, you can press the LM button on the Settings page to return to Local Media.
NOTE: When the News Media (side navigation) has links to Traditional Media, the links are displayed in the Local Media section. These links automatically change the category settings to be just the TV, Radio, News, Govt setting. When you go to away from News, always look at the filter indicator (image above) to make sure that the display is back to the DEFAULT settings.